Tanka Poems

The Tanka poem is very similar to haiku but Tanka poems have more syllables, with 5-7-5-7-7 syllables to form five lines.

Here are my tanka poems:

Pattern Interrupt

I fight fatigue
Of artistic inertia
In my comfort zone.
I commit to my unfolding
By interrupting old patterns

Affirmations please
Appreciation also
Optimism helps
I have a glass that’s half full
Thirst is quenched with more to spare

In memory of
A spiritual friendship
Fare thee well to Wayne
Loved ones celebrate your life
Of passion, kindness and joy

“Looking forward to 2014”
Where are we in time?
Betwixt and between two years
Goodbye and hello
A funny feeling persists
Sadness mingled mostly with HOPE

“2014 Prediction”
ASCAP chose someone
To do workshops without me
Good will come from this?
Yes, three “Pandora” songs played
And sung by pros WILL BE HEARD.

“Note to Self”
Don’t push send button
Until words are filled with love
Of self and others
Think before posting message
Be compassionate and kind

Think I’ll do taxes
Gorgeous sunny day beckons
Put on walking shoes
Uncle Sam can wait a while
Dr. prescribes exercise

“Chinese New Year”
Gong Hee Fot Choy
Happy Chinese New Year
The year of the Horse
A year for power and strength
Greetings of riches and joy

“Mother Nature”
Palm trees at sunset
The sky is bedazzled with
Brilliant scarlet flames
Contrast is ever present
Warmth here versus ice and snow

Changes happening
Apartment manager leaves
Sad to see her go
Now residents train new one
To do things our way again

My goal: put God first
Easier to say than do
Worthy to strive for
Daily dose of amnesia
Keeps me grounded in my “stuff”